Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Media and Me

It wasn't until I was introduced to this course that I realized how many forms of media there really are. I found the media log activity interesting because I receive media on a daily basis without even knowing it. It wasn't until I actually forced myself to keeping track of all the different forms that I realized how many way information can be transmitted.

On an average day, I normally turn on the TV and watch the news for a little bit to wake up, that's media source number 1, seconds after waking up. Then I normally roll out of bed and check my e-mail, there's number 2. Within the first five minutes of waking up I'm already connected to the world and know what's going on. If i go to drive to get breakfast, I'm listening to a CD or the radio, there's 3. It's almost impossible to escape it. I'm effected severely on a daily basis by all mediums of media. I can't remember the last time I went a day without Internet or a cell phone. I recently had to purchase a new cell phone, and was phoneless for three days and although I still had Internet and other means of communication I felt distant from everyone. The day my phone arrived I had it activated within minutes and had peace of mind again. It's sad because I know twenty years ago I would be getting laughed at for saying such a thing. I feel privileged to live in an age where technology and communication are so readily available.