Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Futuristic papers and the Radford Tartan

I'm not going to get caught up in commenting on every ones project individually because my ideas on what kind of information a futuristic paper should contain and how its distributed probably differ from other peoples opinions. But I will say this, it was apparent to me that everyone put some thought into the assignment and it was interesting to see the different routes that people decided to take. Although everyone had different, creative ideas there was one theme that tied them all together and that was that they were all environmentally friendly. No one can really tell if newspapers will be around forever, whether web based or on paper, but I can reassure you this, however the paper of the future may look it will definitely be environmentally conscious. With the technology we have today and the technology being developed for tomorrow I see standard, bulky newspapers quickly becoming obsolete and a thing of the past.

I've never been into our school newspaper. The biggest role it's served for me was for a mini new stand being conveniently placed outside one of my classes for me to scoop up and glance at to kill time before class. I don't really know how it stacks up to other school papers, but I've always felt it just either A. regurgitates major news which I probably already heard several days prior or B. gives me a biased column of the writers thoughts on something. I have my own thoughts and opinions, if you want to vent about politics or why Greek life is bad, get a blog and stop wasting paper and my time. Also, a huge pet peeve of mine is that little section in the middle that calls out people who get in trouble. Thanks a lot Radford, I was drunk and being stupid on Saturday and now the whole school knows about it. Not me in particular, I'm talking in a general sense. Mind your own business. How will it look in the future? I think it will look the exact same. Whether you read it or not, school newspapers have always been around and always will be. The only variance from school to school is its budget and time time and quality put into the paper itself, and you can tell ours isn't very high. How should it revamp itself for the future? That is a very good question that I just don't know the answer to.