Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Music and the impact its had on me

Music has been around for hundreds of years. Its been a form of communication through sound that conveys some type of emotion. It wasn't until the turn of the 20th century that new technologies were developed, new ideas were developed thus creating new sounds. Before the 1900's all you would be able to find was classical music. I don't know if this had to do with the limitations of the instruments or just the conservative times, but that was it. Over the past one hundred years music has altered so drastically and gone through so many changes. There is one thing constant in all music, from Mozart to Snoop, all music conveys some type of emotional message. Whether it portrays a feeling or something that has happened in that persons life, it's sending you a message through sound.

Music plays an enormous role in my life. Not only does it fill the void of silence when I'm alone, but with the creation of the iPod, I can listen to music in my car, on the way to class, when I'm in the gym, virtually anywhere. This is important to me because I'm a strong supporter of music. I believe it takes a tremendous amount of talent to produce music and even more talent to produce music that I will entertain me. Music can set the tone or mood of any function, whether it be a funeral or a party, you can tell by listening to the emotion or vibe of what type of message that sound is trying to portray.

If you click on the link below you'll find a link to an article I found on a parent who filed a lawsuit fighting the ban of Christmas music at his children's school. Good for him. I understand with how conservative everyone is today that when the word "Jesus" or "God" is mentioned in school, everyone that isn't Christian automatically has an uproar. I do believe there should be a separation between church and state, but how far are we going to take it. The article mentions that for the first time in the schools history their not letting the kids play "Frosty the Snowman" and "Winter Wonderland" in their annual winter concert. What the F? These are songs that spread joy and represent a season of giving and being mindful of others. They make it sound like singing these songs is an evil conspiracy by the Christians to promote Jesus. I fully support the father that took this to court. I think that this is stupid and absurd.