Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My View on Politics

This is a dangerous topic to discuss with me, because I care about our political situation very much, and I get really into it. First off, if you're a Republican you may want to stop reading now. George W. Bush is literally the worst president we've ever had not only in my opinion, but statistically as well. The numbers don't lie folks, between our economy numbers and his approval ratings, he's just miserable. Not only is he a terrible speaker and an awkward person, for the past eight years he has slowly but surely driven the most powerful country in the world into the ground. I don't even consider him our President, he's Dick Cheney's puppet who makes up words and has no idea what he's doing. I can't wait until next year when the Dems retake the White house. Obama's platform is "Change we can believe in". Thank god, because I'm sick of the change that never happened, or correction, change for the worse. Bush can seriously eat it.

I think by now you tell which side I'm on and who I'll be voting for. The media has always done a good job covering the Presidential elections. Literally, I think it's been covered some way some how through every single type of medium, and that's how I stay on top of it. Whether it be while I'm surfing the net, flipping through the channels on TV, on the radio in the car, as the election nears its getting more and more coverage and I feel that even if you're not into politics, you still have some idea of what's going on.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

How Does Advertising Affect Me?

Advertising doesn't affect me very much for several reasons. First, I'm a guy, I hate shopping unless it's for something that I really want. I would never go out shopping just for the sake of shopping, sorry ladies. Secondly, I feel I've been exposed to all types of advertising through all types of mediums for so long that I can just see right through it at this point. A prime example is if I'm watching a TV show or movie and I see a brand logo and it's obvious, I snicker to myself and think of what a feeble attempt it was to subliminally make me go out and buy their product. It's actually kind of funny we were given this particular topic to blog about today, because literally before class I was on a website and this stupid flashy ad came up (which I believe to be the equivalent of a telemarketer........cough jump off a cliff........cough cough) and for once it actually struck my interest. This website was selling those stupid t-shirts that have the sarcastic one-liners on them, but low and behold this show that I was obsessed with a few years back (until it went off the air), "Arrested Development", had one of these t-shirts and when I saw it, I almost fell out of my chair with laughter and excitement. Needless to say I bought it there on the spot. That is an extreme rarity for me.

Below I'm posting a commercial advertising Heineken (God by now you must think I'm a raging alcoholic with all the beer references I make, but for the sake of the example bare with me) and it really makes me want to go out and drink a nice cold Heine due to the jolly song in the background, and how happy everyone looks in the commercial. It promotes sharing and I believe really does a fantastic job reaching out to every single demographic. The funny part is that I think Heineken tastes like German moose piss, so you know they do a good job advertising.........just watch and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Now for the advertisement I get to bash. I know we brought it up in class today, and I searched YouTube for over 30 minutes and couldn't find the link, so for that I apologize. It's the infamous "WIC" commercial. For those of you who haven't scene it, I'll give you a quick synopsis. Basically this young girl, I'd guess around the age of eight or so is singing the "itsy bitsy spider". Cute right? Wrong. Well she's having a grand ol' time, doing the little hand gestures, just singing along, out of tune and everything , then she gets to the midpoint of the song and ALAS! after stumbling on her words for what seems like the longest five minutes of your life, this little girl forgets "what the spider climbs up" (we all know its the damn water spout, I knew it when I was 4) and in the most dumbfounded, uncute look, she looks right into the camera and obnoxiously says "I FOH-GHETT". Now I can understand, a young kid forgetting the words to a song, that's fine, it happens. Folks, it's a commercial promoting nutrition, and apparently little Sarah didn't have enough cheerios that morning cause she failed miserably in my book. Stupid low budget commercials like that shouldn't even be shown. They're a waste of time, and just for little Sarah forgetting those words and whoever wrote that commercial trying to promote health in the most obtuse way possible, I'm going to go enjoy a Big Mac.